Several weeks ago, the media reported on Amma’s UK tour. I have needed these past weeks over the festive season to gather my thoughts on this extraordinary “celebrity.” For those of you looking for some career inspiration, there is no better example of following your heart than Amma (real name Mata Amritanandamayi). Amma's "job" is to hug.
Amma (which translates as mother) is famous for giving invigorating, regenerating and calming cuddles. She is said to have shared over 26 million hugs with the citizens of this world since she was 17 (she is now 55 and the cuddles are going strong). Born to a poor family in South India, Amma’s philosophy talks of love, selflessness and meditation and this lady has hugged world over from Chile to Paris. Hugging 26 million people sure comes with its plus points and her efforts have amounted to an endless list of charitable projects.Her organization even holds UN consultative status. Details aside, Amma’s story tells a much deeper tale.
Firstly, amongst India’s drive for prosperity, hi-tech homes and giant super malls, it’s a relief to hear about people appreciating the little gestures in life.
Secondly, it’s amazing how little talent people have to have to be famous these days (The endless list of “save me!” Bollywood heroines and body building Bollywood heroes spring to mind). So it is significantly more reassuring to hear of a woman who is famous for hugging rather than for making a mockery out of herself on TV, or for being the son, daughter, partner or pet of a celebrity.
Talking as someone who had not even heard of Amma before Christmas, or who has since not experienced one of her renowned hugs, I can either call Amma crazy or praise her for going back to the basics of human affection. When I first heard about Amma, my initial reaction was “here we go again, another Saint to pop out of India.” Yet with the dawning of the New Year, I think Amma might be onto a good thing. She has drawn attention to be power of compassion in the most hands on way!
Hugs release positive natural chemicals in the body call Beta-endorphins which promote feelings of well being and relaxation. Whether Amma is a saint or beyond belief is not my concern, but it must take a genius to take the medical power of a basic and simple human touch and convert it into a million dollar charitable activity! Eat your heart out kissograms ‘cos in the words of author Adabella Radici “theres nothing like a mama hug.”
1 comment:
I've heard about her! :) She's mentioned in the book 'Holy Cow!' by Sarah McDonald. (really good book btw)
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